martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Burguer Fest

This May 5, We'll have The Burger Fest, this is an event where students of level 4 of English will sell hamburguers, hot dogs and others types of fast food. In my team we worked on our burguers and hot dogs and we decided to call our stand "HOT ROCKS", we have a burguer with a unique flavor, made with strawberries, squash, cheese and other tasty ingredients. It's a unique experience in your mouth, and as our slogan says " A pice of hell and heaven in your mouth". So come to our stand and try it!

martes, 29 de marzo de 2011


I belive that is important have a president or have a person that leads, but I belive that most of the presidents have the same way of thinking. In this case Nicaragua has had 3 diferents presidents since the revolution and for some reason no one is blaming them for anything. Even Nicaragua is very poor, has good things to show us, like Anthony said, that is very beautiful, have a great food and many things that does Nicaragua a nice place to visit.


The Vienna show looks interesting, I belive that is bittersweet yet not unexpected, I enjoy the sense of humor that Anthony have.
I thing Breaking Bad makes Weeds look like wanna be, I really like this show, I agree with the opinion of Anthony n_n.